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.NET / C# Local SDK Usage

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DevCycleUser Object

The user object is required for all methods. The only required field in the user object is userId

See the DevCycleUser class in .NET DevCycleUser model doc for all accepted fields.

DevCycleUser user = new DevCycleUser("a_user_id");

Get and use Variable by key

This method will fetch a specific variable value by key for a given user. The default value will be used in cases where the user is not segmented into a feature using that variable, or the project configuration is unavailable to be fetched from DevCycle's CDN.

bool boolVarValue = client.VariableValue(user, "my-bool-variable", true);

Getting All Variables

To get values from your Variables, the Value field inside the variable object can be accessed.

This method will fetch all variables for a given user and returned as Dictionary<string, Variable>

Dictionary<string, Variable> variables = client.AllVariables(user);

Getting All Features

This method will fetch all features for a given user and return them as Dictionary<string, Feature>

Dictionary<string, Feature> features = client.AllFeatures(user);

Track Event

To POST custom event for a user, pass in the user and event object.

Calling Track will queue the event, which will be sent in batches to the DevCycle servers.

var @event = new DevCycleEvent("test event", "test target");

client.Track(user, @event);

Flush Events

Calling this method will immediately send all queued events to the DevCycle servers

// Optional: setup a handler to react to the result of flushing events 
client.FlushedEvents += (sender, args) => {
if (!args.Success) {

// send events to DevCycle servers

Set Client Custom Data

To assist with segmentation and bucketing you can set a custom data dictionary that will be used for all variable and feature evaluations. User specific custom data will override client custom data.

Dictionary<string, object> customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
customData.Add("some-key", "some-value");

// set the data into the DevCycle client

SDK Proxy

To further enable various deployment configurations - we provide a background process that can be used to proxy requests to the DevCycle API. This is useful when you have a more unique deployment style, or the SDK is not able to make requests to the DevCycle API directly. The installation and setup process for the proxy can be found here:

See the SDK Proxy section for more information.